

在2017年项目成功之后, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 was excited to once again offer a Spanish langu年龄 immersion and service-learning trip to Costa Rica during the first week of spring break.

我们继续与这个非营利组织合作 Abriendo表示“状态” (“开放思想”)在普拉亚波特雷罗, a small coastal vill年龄 of 500 residents in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. Abriendo表示“状态”' mission is to empower community members through youth and adult programs that teach 英语, 计算机技能, 和健身.

在访问期间, 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生住在寄宿家庭, 参与一个社区项目, 上西班牙语课, 在阿布连多·门特斯做志愿者. 我们还环游了瓜纳卡斯特地区去滑索, 徒步旅行, kayak, 桨板, 通气管, 参观海滩.

Read more from teacher / chaperone Angelo Coclanis, and check out photos, 从这里的旅行.



韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的合作伙伴 AtlasWorkshops 来一场激动人心的法国之旅! 这次旅行的主题是食物, sustainability and French culture and history helped students answer the question, “法国的食物系统如何改变我们的饮食方式?”

当学生们前往安纳西时, 里昂和法国南部, 他们关注的是法国人与食物的联系, 随着时间的推移,这是如何变化的, 以及这如何激发人们与家乡食物的新关系.


体系结构 & 意大利设计:2018春假

This unique trip focused on architectural components of Italy's rich history. Students explored this beautiful country to answer questions on architectural integrity, 设计, 空间的使用, 结构功能性. As a sub-concentration, class systems and 空间的使用 for modern times were highlighted.

Along the way, students sampled Italy's famous cuisine and took in classic works of art.

博士的许多学生. Jen Perez的冬季选修课,建筑学 & 设计,参加了这次旅行.



莎士比亚之夏! 60多年了, this internationally recognized theater festival has taken place in Stratford, 安大略.

学生们去了尼亚加拉大瀑布, 在斯特拉特福德音乐节上呆了两天, 参观了繁华的多伦多.

在节日里, 我们组去看日场, 很高兴参观了服装和道具仓库的后台, 并参加了演出前的谈话!



costa rica Spanish Langu年龄 Immersion and Service Trip: Spring Break 2017

索伯里学校与这个非营利组织合作 Abriendo表示“状态” in Potrero, a small vill年龄 in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. Abriendo表示“状态”' mission is to empower community members through youth and adult programs that teach 英语, 电脑与健身. 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students stayed with local host families and worked with Abriendo表示“状态” students, 也参观了这个地区, 提高了他们的西班牙语水平, 学会冲浪, 还有更多. 这是一次难以置信的经历. 在时事通讯中, Abriendo表示“状态”' Director Rachael Sine mentioned our trip as one of their March 2017 highlights: "...a group of students from 韦德娱乐app下载地址 in the US visited Abriendo表示“状态” for a week, 第一批这样做的人." 点击这里了解更多关于我们学生的旅行.

"One of my favorite experiences was going to Costa Rica with the school. Having to speak Spanish and immerse myself in the culture was beautiful. I loved it and made a really strong connection with my host family.——sasha, 19岁,谈论2017年的旅行




照片由Rishabh Kancherla '19拍摄

2016年春假期间, 索利伯里的学生们前往法国参加一场艺术庆典, 食物, 和法国历史. 我们的旅行从在巴黎呆了三天开始, exploring the great museums and monuments before boarding the TGV (high-speed rail) to spend the rest of our time in the southern regions of Provence and the Cote d'Azur. 那是一次难忘的旅行, 参观阿维尼翁美丽的城市, 艾克斯, 戛纳, 圣保罗德旺斯和尼斯, 并在摩纳哥公国停留. 这次旅行对9-12年级的所有学生开放, with preference given to students currently enrolled in a French course.





In spring 2015, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students participated in an exchange with students from Helmuth Hubener学校 (Stadtteilschule Helmuth Hubener)德国汉堡. We traveled to Hamburg and stayed with German families during spring break and/or hosted a German student in April. 在汉堡时, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students attended classes with their German exchange students, 到波罗的海作短途旅行, 参观了柏林和莱尔贝克, 乘船和徒步游览汉堡!


Nicaragua Spanish Langu年龄 IMmersion and Service Trip: Spring Break 2014

尼加拉瓜之旅-索莱伯里学校Solebury's nine-day trip to Nicaragua offered students an intense immersion experience in Spanish langu年龄 and Nicaraguan culture, 还有有意义的社区服务工作. Students worked with the Spanish langu年龄 school and community outreach center, 洛杉矶Mariposa他住在圣卡拉兰皮奥附近. 洛杉矶Mariposa 位于La的村庄Concepción.

学生们还花了一天的时间 El Nisperal这是一个有机咖啡种植园和研究中心. 在那里,学生们可以参加收获.





In March 2014, two 韦德娱乐app下载地址 French teachers and their students toured France. They began with a weekend exploring Paris, then took the train to Toulouse, then on to the 圣克里斯托夫校区 马萨诸塞州的一所学校. 他们上课,参加校园活动, 并且有机会去探索一些当地的景点, 包括美丽的巴斯克乡村和比利牛斯山脉. 2013年11月,韦德娱乐app下载地址学校举办了14 St. 克里斯托弗学生和他们的老师.