
社区服务 has always been a priority at 韦德娱乐app下载地址. 从开业那天到现在, 学生, 老师, and 工作人员 have given of their time and skills to help build and enrich communities on and off campus. 在过去的几年里, Solebury has been working even harder to ensure that that service culture is alive and strong and built into the fabric of our day to day work and play here as a school.  

Solebury does not require community service hours as a graduation requirement. We incorporate service into several experiences that take place over the course of the school year while 学生 are already in school. We also track and honor all the impactful ways that out 学生 give back. Our hope is to foster and highlight the service culture of 韦德娱乐app下载地址 more than ever before in a way that feels authentic and fosters the best motives for giving.

Students are encour年龄d to gain this experience and build this school culture by doing any or all of the following: 

  • 参加我们的周末服务之旅
  • 参加我们的马丁·路德·金纪念日服务活动
  • Come visit Sarah May to talk about ways to get involved in volunteer work individually or as a group
  • 组织一次服务活动并鼓励其他人参与
  • Join Solebury's Service Society, a club that meets weekly to plan and organize such events on campus
  • 考虑一个包含服务组件的国外机会

There are school-sponsored service trips at least once a month, and 学生 are highly encour年龄d to eng年龄 in community service on an individual basis beyond school-run events. 韦德娱乐app下载地址 offers two major prizes each year to honor 学生 who complete outstanding community service. 另外, Solebury strives to bring service into the curriculum with service-based learning and bi-annual international or domestic trips with a significant service component. 

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The club is composed of service-oriented 学生 who want to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Students organize and take part in many community service events throughout the year, 包括周末旅行, 筹款活动, MLK日活动, 以及全校服务日.



Opportunities for community service are as diverse as our student body. Solebury's 社区服务 Advisor can help 学生 find areas of service that meet their interests and priorities. 这里有一些服务的例子:

  • 动物爱好者可以在人道协会做志愿者.
  • Athletes might work as referees or umpires for local youth groups.
  • Get involved at homeless shelters or elementary schools and be a mentor to children.
  • 在退休中心分享艺术兴趣和才能, 日托中心或非营利艺术中心.
  • 在施粥处或食品储藏室工作.
  • 环保主义者可能会在公园工作, 组成一个小组来采用一条公路, or raise funds for ecological organizations such as the Audubon Society or Honey Hollow Environmental Education Center.
  • 为美国红十字会工作, 当地的消防和应急站, 或其他紧急救援组织.



For information about guidelines or opportunities, contact Service Director Sarah May at smay@realityreal.net.