
几十年来,. 韦德娱乐app下载地址 has recognized that not all college-bound students learn the same way. 我们的学习支持计划成立于20世纪80年代, 这是当时进步的努力, 今天,它继续为学生提供变革性的体验. The program helps students achieve their potential through understanding their strengths, 克服弱点, 教他们为自己辩护. 多年来, 参加我们学习支持项目的学生都是优等生, 杰出的艺术家, 明星运动员, 以及韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生领袖.

当我们遇到符合他们水平的学生时,学业成功就随之而来了, 他们感到安全, 支持, 和尊重, 从那里开始, 我们可以促进成长,鼓励学生突破自己的界限. 在Solebury, 我们认识到, capable students come with a variety of learning profiles; therefore, we offer a variety of Learning Support programs aimed to serve 所有的学生 on our campus.

The teachers advocate for all students and help to arrange for the accommodations that will best help them acquire and demonstrate the skills and knowledge taught in their classes. 然而, a key goal of the program is to give students the tools and the confidence to advocate for themselves, 因为他们在大学里也需要这样做.


Our grade level 英语 Foundations classes are designed specifically for students who struggle with langu年龄-based learning tasks. The classes are taught in a small group setting by an 英语 teacher who is also a 学习专业, and the classes are specifically designed to meet grade-level 英语 curricular goals while addressing each student’s individual learning needs. 在阅读和写作方面扬长避短, the 英语 Foundations teacher differentiates instruction and paces assignments to provide appropriate support for developing skills and academic 成长th. 空间有限, and admission into the program is dependent on academic screening and noted challenges.  这门课要额外收费. 

*Students who need additional support surrounding executive functioning may opt to apply for both 英语 Foundations and Bridge.

Bridge和Bridge Plus

The Bridge和Bridge Plus programs help students whose success is hindered by ADHD, 执行功能挑战, 或者难以用文字表达思想. Students take a full schedule of classes and meet with a learning specialist in small groups of up to three to help them stay on track, 完成作业, 并制定策略,以实现他们的智力优势的成功. This program can serve as a “bridge” as students transition out of the Individualized 英语 program. 对一些学生来说, it is a bridge from a different academic environment to Solebury’s rigorous, 门大学预科项目. 为他人, it connects a past of good intentions but missed assignments and incomplete work to a brighter future of confidence, 能力, 为完成任务而自豪. 满足学生的需求, 我们提供不同级别的桥接支持:桥接+, which meets nearly every day; Bridge, 每隔一天开一次会, and we also offer a trimester-by-trimester Bridge support plan for students who feel they may not need a full year of Bridge support. 空间有限,这些课程需要额外收费.


Solebury offers support classes for students with diagnosed math learning disabilities. Students who have difficulty with math have the opportunity to enroll in our 代数概念, 代数概念, and Geometry Concepts courses to fulfill Solebury’s graduation requirement for mathematics. 这些小班课程帮助学生获得自信,克服焦虑, 可能包括多感官教学和适当的技术.

了解更多有关 这里有数学支持计划.


While the above programs offer a more formal and focused support system for some students, all 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students have the following resources to help them thrive fully as students and young adults:


在索伯里,我们努力支持所有的学习者. 虽然许多学生受益于正式的学习支持计划, 其他需要较少密集和/或较少频繁的支持. 对于这些学生,我们提供提高. Between the hours of 3:00 and 3:30 (during our daily Conference period where all teachers are available to work with students), 学习支持部门可以随时提供帮助, 提供学习策略方面的指导, 考试技能, 时间管理, 组织, 优先级, 等. 学生可以根据需要来,也可以定期来. 这种支持是免费的,并且欢迎所有的学生!

While the above programs offer a more formal and focused support system for some students, all 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students have the following resources to help them thrive fully as students and young adults:


Every student is assigned a 教师 advisor who serves as mentor, advocate, and guide.


A resource for anyone at any st年龄 in the writing process 工作人员ed with teachers to help you.


Time is built into the schedule four days a week for students to meet with teachers.


力量和体能教练帮助学生缓解压力, 树立信心, 激发对运动的热爱.


根据需要,学校辅导员Julie Laing, M.S. 帮助学生解决问题,培养勇气和韧性.