
For the week of February 2 - 5, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 hosted our annual Global Education Week!


The week was kicked off with a introduction to our new 社会公正! The 社会公正 is designed for students who wish to explore issues of equity, 是否专注于经济, 比赛, 性别, 环境, 或者任何关于正义的问题. 

The community enjoyed a Netflix watch party for 众而为一. Through the lens of five immigrants who are on their journey to U.S. 公民身份, this film depicts some of the many threads that continue to weave the tapestry that is America. It is a reminder of its national motto, “E Pluribus Unum”, 众而为一. 查看预告片许多,一个预告片


Students enjoyed a presentation on 埃塞俄比亚妇女赋权 with 萨巴Alemayehuhas. Saba spent two years in Peace Corps Ethiopia working on many avenues of inclusion and development in the local school districts and university levels. She also facilitated several 性别-focused secondary projects. 她讨论了和平队的目标, 她自己的使命, 她参与的不同项目, and took time to answer questions about the experience. 

所有学校大会 ——演讲嘉宾Alex Roche
亚历克斯出生于西班牙, where he obtained a double college degree in Law and Business and worked as a lawyer before moving to New York, 他现在住的地方. Since graduating from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) in 2012, Alex has dedicated himself to protecting and promoting 民主 and human rights. After politicians in Spain undermined Spanish emigrants’ right to vote, Alex helped design and implement the #DosMillonesDeVotos campaign, which successfully defended and encour年龄d democratic participation amongst Spanish citizens worldwide. 之后,他加入了大赦国际, where he campaigned to seek justice and accountability in a case of grave human rights violations in Latin America. 自2016年以来, Alex has worked at Parliamentarians for Global Action, the largest international network of individual legislators, 哪个倡导人权, 法治, 民主, 平等和包容. Alex works closely to advise and support members of parliament to defend and promote the rights of LGBTI people. His work has taken him all over the world, from Cape Verde to Samoa.


Listen to the 世界音乐之家派对 playlist and discover some great tunes from around the globe.



Agyei“21 领导了一场 加纳烹饪课和 taught us how to make traditional Ghanaian meat (or veggie) pies. 

The Honors Environmental 科学 class put together this newspaper with articles they wrote about global water scarcity. 阅读《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》一文.